Real Academia Nacional de Medicina

Medical Terminology Unit


The Royal National Academy of Medicine and Medical Terminology

foto utmThe Royal Academy of Medicine since its original formulation, is statutorily mandated to develop, update and publish a Dictionary, as well as monitoring and dissemination of correct use of medical language. Result of this interest is the Dictionary of Medical Terms, published by this institution.

Given the rapid progress in medical science and, therefore, the language that reflects, the Royal National Academy of Medicine intends to provide society, particularly to health professionals, the media to quickly and accurately resolve doubts that may arise when reading or writing medical texts.

Also, by the rapid development of scientific concepts, the Academy wants to act as a sentinel to detect early incorporation of terms from other languages they can get without a proper filter and properly incorporate them into our language.


  • Develop and maintain terminology database of the Royal Academy.
  • Update the Dictionary of Medical Terms.
  • Reply terminological consultations received by this institution.
  • Advise Institutions and individuals about medical terminology.
  • Detect input medical neologisms and propose the best way to adapt to Spanish.
  • Facilitate knowledge and terminology tools that facilitate the exchange of information in electronic medical records in a standardized manner.
  • Organize discussion forums on medical language.


It is composed of specialists in terminology and academics of this institution to collaborate closely. They integrate the Panel on medical terminology, which is the body that manages and coordinates the work.

Members who make up this Committee:

  • Excmo. Sr. D. Hipólito Durán Sacristán
  • Excmo. Sr. D. Antonio Campos Muñoz
  • Excmo. Sr. D. Luis García-Sancho Martín
  • Excmo. Sr. D. Enrique Moreno González
  • Excmo. Sr. D. Enrique Casado de Frías
  • Excmo. Sr. D. Carlos Seoane Prado
  • Excmo. Sr. D. José Miguel García Sagredo


  • D.ª Cristina González Sánchez
  • D.ª Carmen Remacha Martínez